Sunday, June 3, 2007

blog and essays

hmmm this blog looks like the first draft of stanford essay number 1. It doesn't sound like me at all, and actually it's just plain boring... Hopefully I'll be able to improve...
In my mind keeping this blog should have helped me to keep my motivation and work on the applications, to be honest I'm not that sure it's working.

[rant mode on]
And could anybody tell me why business schools can't release essays in May/June rather than August/September? Argh...!
[rant mode off]

alright... I feel like ice cream now, I'm sure by October I'll have gained some 5 kgs.... (ranting again? yeah...)


Deepthroat said...

Hey dude...
Sure thing...we should keep in touch....Are u applying to only US B Schools.... Am applyng to Hognkong and singapore as well....

Ło-ren-so! said...

yeah dude only US schools, i thought about applying to insead and lbs too but eventually made up my mind about trying the "american experience" :)
keep in touch!

Charu said...

hii.. lets keep in touch..your list of schools looks impressive..All the best!! we can share each other's perspective thru blogs..

Charu said...

if u really want to start with essays...u can start with common ones like ..Why MBA ? Why Stanford GSB? or this school etc..For specific questions we have to wait.

Ło-ren-so! said...

thanks dude, my list looks impressive, and my ding list will be impressive!!! :))) keep in touch :)

seagull said...

Hey !! :-) Good to find company! All th ebest to you too and YES lets keep in touch!

:-D uhm... small fact -- nothing much--> you have said "HIS" , u might want to make it "Hers" ;-).

That's a WOW list of schools... I see Stanford comes up on top! That's my fav school ... Imgine if we both make it and end up in the same class ;-)! Oh yeah we could end up in the other pile also .. but i try not to think too much about that :-D.



Anonymous said...

hey, you're much ahead of me.. i'm so lazy i keep on postponing my gmat! :-(

agree on schools should release the essays in May!

btw, are you in Venice? it's really one of my favorite cities in Europe!! (besides Salzburg & Paris)..

Ło-ren-so! said...

uhhhh seagull sorry!!!!!! i'll change it now!!!!
stanford is my top choice but i think it'll be a sure ding, i just wanna try... :)

hey bee yeah venice is amazing and i love paris :))

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about my blog a lot of the time. I feel like a journalist reporting on someone whose life is really not that interesting. Having a drink sometimes loosens up the creative juices a bit.

Anyway, just wanted you to know I feel like I'm in the same boat--er, gondola w/ respect to the style and entertaining nature of my posts...or lack there of.

Anonymous said...
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MBA Careers said...

Thanks for sharing this precious information. I really appropriate it.