Monday, June 4, 2007

a bad day

Guys I officially hate my job. My only relief is that I know that next month I won't be working there anymore. I'm really undecided between moving to a different department as they seem to have offered or moving somewhere else... well we'll see...

Last night I wanted to give the essays a go and decided to start from Harvard so I drafted essay number 1. Today I read the transcription of the chat with the Harvard director of admissions and found out that this year they'll be completely changing the essays...

ah jesus.... I better go to bed


Anonymous said...

Hey, you're changing jobs too? Next month we'll be in the same boat then.

I've been indecisive for about a month before I decided to move. So, you'll figure it out soon! No worries!

Deepthroat said...

Thanks a lot man...I really need the luck.... coz out here hard work is taken for granted.....Thanks a lot again